Faster than Light?

One major argument against the young-earth creationist position has been the apparent great age of distant galaxies. Those galaxies are so distant that the light that we see would have taken billions of years to reach us at its current speed. Therefore, the argument goes that they would have to be at least billions of years old. Obviously, this is not in agreement with the young earth/universe creation position. However, this argument is not valid if the speed of light was faster in the past.

Atomic clock rate variation

How Much of God’s Inerrant Word May We Ignore?

We live in deceptive times. The air of deception permeates society like no other time of history. Censorship, oppression, and the abolishment of freedom to think for yourself is lurking just ahead. As followers of Christ, we need to be aware, first off, not of what is going on around us, but of what kind of relationship we have with our Creator, Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and coming King!

First, we must realize what we are. In Jeremiah, the Lord tells us:

The heart is deceitful above all things,
And desperately wicked;
Who can know it?
I, the LORD, search the heart,
I test the mind,
Even to give every man according to his ways,
According to the fruit of his doings.

Leprosy — Past and Present

Infectious diseases that affect our world are frequent topics of both discussion and study, especially in view of our current COVID-19 crisis and its associated mortality. In spite of modern medicine and antibiotic breakthroughs, many illnesses and fatalities are unfortunately caused by commonplace infections such as pneumonia, influenza, hepatitis, dysentery, and osteomyelitis to name a few. Infections have been part of our human struggle from age to age. It is interesting that very few specific types of infections are mentioned in the Bible.