Grand Canyon: Overwhelming Evidence for the Genesis Flood

Recently I was thrilled to be able to experience an adventure of a lifetime, rafting the Colorado River though a portion of the Grand Canyon with Canyon Ministries. This is a trip I had wanted to do for years, and the Lord opened a door of opportunity for me in late May. On one level the trip was a ton of fun. I have white-water rafted on several rivers in the east, including my favorite, the New River through the New River Gorge (“The Grand Canyon of the East”) in my home state of West Virginia, but nothing compared to this. On another level, however, the trip was so educational and faith-affirming! So many of my beliefs about geology, the age of the earth, and especially the Genesis flood of Genesis 6–9 were confirmed/reinforced on this trip.

Figure 11
Figure 10

Jesus the Creator

Once again it is the time of year that we remember and celebrate the first coming to Earth of the Lord Jesus Christ. Jesus, the Son of God, came to save sinners and give us eternal life (John 3:16). Sinners are people who have a sin nature, naturally rebel against God, and break his commandments. Everyone who descended from Adam and Eve, which includes all of us, has a sin nature (1 Cor 15:20–22). The wages of sin is death (Rom 6:23). Jesus came to live the sinless life we could not live (Heb 4:15), pay the just penalty for our sins by dying in our place (Heb 2:17, 1 John 2:2, 1 Pet 3:18), and then, being raised from the dead (1 Cor 15:1–11), give eternal life to those who would trust Him (John 10:10, Rom 5:17).


Inspired Evidence

I‘ve been reading Inspired Evidence by Julie Von Vett and Bruce Malone for quite a while now, and it is awesome because it provides a new page of inspired evidence for a Biblical worldview every single day for all 365 of them. These authors actually made Romans 1:20 come alive for me:

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse. (KJV)

Fragments of the Antikythera mechanism, an ancient greek analog computer that is believed to be used to help teach Greeks about our place in the cosmos.

Creation Ministries International’s Recent Superconference at Myrtle Beach

I recently attended the Creation Ministries International (CMI) five-day Creation 2022 Superconference at Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. TASC board members Drs. Jeff Gift and David Greear were also in attendance. The conference was held from May 30 to June 3 at the beautiful Hilton Myrtle Beach Resort, located right on the ocean. There were 597 in attendance from all over the country, 22 lectures, 10 CMI presenters, a massive bookstore, a children’s program, optional opportunities to attend a guided tour through a nearby aquarium with marine biologist Dr. Robert Carter or to match wits with chess master Dr. Jonathan Sarfati, and free time to enjoy the beach.

July Creation conference lecture hall