All of the claimed evidence for evolution, as defined in this paper, has been disproved by the peer reviewed literature including the fossil record  1 and the useless organs  2 and poor design claims.  3 The three pillars, abiogenesis, natural selection and mutations  4 have likewise been refuted as have the other major pillars including the taxonomy claim, homology, arguments against irreducible complexity, pseudogenes and endosymbiosis.  5

The books noted above are typical of the books on science for young people and irresponsibly indoctrinate young people to accept the secular worldview of atheistic evolution. All the evolutionary examples used in the books reviewed above are very problematic: the claims made have long ago been rejected by research, even by many evolutionists. ...

  • 1Bergman, Jerry. Fossil Forensics: Separating Fact from Fantasy in Paleontology. Bartlett Publishing, Tulsa, OK. 2019.
  • 2Bergman, Jerry. Useless Organs: The Rise and Fall of a Central Claim of Evolution. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Bartlett Publishing. revised version 2024. Revised edition 332 pages.
  • 3Bergman, Jerry. Poor Design. An Invalid Argument Against Intelligent Design. Tulsa, Oklahoma: Bartlett Publishing. 2024. 230 pages. Revised edition
  • 4Bergman, Jerry The Three Pillars of Evolution Demolished: Why Darwin Was Wrong. WestBow Division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, Bloomington, IN. 2022.
  • 5Bergman, Jerry The Last Pillars of Evolution Falsified: Further Evidence Proving Darwinian Evolution Wrong. WestBow Division of Thomas Nelson and Zondervan, Bloomington, IN. 2022.

Weather Equilibrium and Climate Change

We are not aware of how advanced the antediluvians were with meteorological sciences or how high the civilization reached technologically. We find many fascinating objects buried in coal that are believed to come from that period. It is considered that the first attempts to predict the weather were around 650 BC in the Babylon Empire. By the third century BC the Chinese had developed “a meteorological calendar that divided the year into twenty-four festivals, each dedicated to a different meteorological situation.” 

A Creationist Response to Race and Racism

The tragic and senseless death of George Floyd on May 25, 2020 has seemingly changed American society forever. The explosion of race-related discussions, dialogues, debates, and demands along with protests, counter-protests, statue-topplings, and riots are all evidence of this fact. “Race” and “racism” have become two of the most charged words in the English language today, not only in this nation but across the globe as reverberations of the event in Minneapolis have literally been felt worldwide. These events in the larger culture naturally impact the church as well and demand an appropriate Christian and biblical response.

Atheism Rising: What Can We Do About It?

We are faced with an alarming trend of rising atheism in our youth today. I will address this undesired trend and provide actions that parents, youth , and we as individuals can implement to help decrease this trend. Otherwise, as President Reagan said, “A nation not under God is a nation already gone under.” Let us all please rise to the challenge and reverse this trend.

Intelligent Design is Peer-Reviewed, but is Peer-Review a Requirement of Good Science?

Although belief in a young earth is not in the list of things we young-earth creationists have in common with intelligent design groups, the intelligent design proponents have mounted a commendable attack against the dogma of evolution in the last several years. Casey Luskin is a Research Coordinator for the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Instititue, a notable intelligent design research group. Luskin holds graduate degrees in both science and law. He earned his BS and MS in Earth Sciences from the University of California, San Diego. His law degree is from the University of San Diego. Luskin recently published an article at for Evolution News and Views presenting the fallacy that science is only good science if it is published in peer-reviewed literature. The organization provides original reporting and analysis about the debate over intelligent design and evolution, including breaking news about scientific research. The following is Luskin’s article first published at

Abortion: Creation View of the Value of Life

This paper examines abortion from several perspectives: biblical, philosophical, logical, scientific, medical, ethical/moral, legal, and historical. Although the examination cannot be exhaustive, it will hopefully lead the reader to seriously reconsider his pro-choice position or be strengthened in his pro-life position.

C. Everett Koop and Francis Schaeffer are most insightful when they say, “…far from being only single issues, abortion, infanticide, and euthanasia strike at the heart of our most basic beliefs about God and man.” 1

This paper will focus on the horrors of abortion and infanticide and will not include euthanasia.

Freedom of Speech and Religion? Not in Academia

Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Romans 1:19-20 (KJV)

Dr. Guillermo Gonzales: a highly accomplished astronomy professor who has been denied tenure for his views on intelligent design.


Have you ever wondered why some people seem so resistant to ideas? If you are a creationist, you might have wondered why some evolutionists seem so resistant to evidence against evolution. Or you might have noticed this in other fields, too. Well, it does seem amazing that the preponderance of evidence against evolution can be ignored, or discounted, so readily and so consistently by some.