Geological Unconformities: What Are They and How Much Time Do They Represent?
Fig. 1
What are unconformities and what do they mean to young-earth, biblical creationists? The simple definition is that they are surfaces, usually seen as a linear contact in a vertical rock outcrop or exposure, that separate younger overlying rock strata or layers from the older strata below. They are interpreted by uniformitarian (evolutionist and “old-earth creationist”) geologists as gaps in the record, each gap representing missing time and sediments. But is this interpretation warranted by the field evidence?
A Review of Lawrence Krauss's Book, A Universe from Nothing
Lawrence M. Krauss, Ph.D., is Foundation Professor in the School of Earth and Space Exploration and the Physics Department, Co-Director of the Cosmology Initiative, and Inaugural Director of the Origins Initiative at Arizona State University.
TASC Activities 2012
TASC is an acronym that stands for the Triangle Association for the Science of Creation. We publish newsletters and articles dealing with science, creation and God. TASC has recently planned a seminar for later this Fall, and has also planned other activities. In this article we look at what TASC has done, is currently doing, and plans to do in the near future.
Intelligent Design is Peer-Reviewed, but is Peer-Review a Requirement of Good Science?
Although belief in a young earth is not in the list of things we young-earth creationists have in common with intelligent design groups, the intelligent design proponents have mounted a commendable attack against the dogma of evolution in the last several years. Casey Luskin is a Research Coordinator for the Center for Science and Culture at the Discovery Instititue, a notable intelligent design research group. Luskin holds graduate degrees in both science and law. He earned his BS and MS in Earth Sciences from the University of California, San Diego. His law degree is from the University of San Diego. Luskin recently published an article at for Evolution News and Views presenting the fallacy that science is only good science if it is published in peer-reviewed literature. The organization provides original reporting and analysis about the debate over intelligent design and evolution, including breaking news about scientific research. The following is Luskin’s article first published at