Laparoscopy: Origins and Applications


side view
Figure 1 a - Side view. The yellow-colored area seen in the side view of the abdominal cavity shows that the viscera is attached posteriorly and that the anterior surface is clear of any connections. The yellow area allows safe placement of instruments for diagnostic purposes. 1 2

Laparoscopic examination of the human abdominal cavity represents a dramatic advance of modern medicine. It is a routine diagnostic procedure used by physicians around the world. How did laparoscopy develop and why is it so valuable? This article will explore both the advancement and practical applications of this remarkable surgical tool.

Laparoscopy is the viewing of intra-abdominal organs via a small abdominal incision utilizing a special viewing scope. This is typically done under an anesthetic. The use of small cameras provides extensive visualization of the abdominal organs, which can also be observed by the assistant staff on television screens. Additional instruments can be placed using similar small incisions to allow various surgical procedures to be accomplished. Surgical procedures that once required a major abdominal incision in the past can now be done laparoscopically via tiny incisions. Laparoscopy has also allowed us to peer into the amazingly coordinated, interconnected, and interdependent anatomy of the abdominal organs. This highly complicated but well-organized and well-functioning system reflects the mind of its creator.

The Phenomenal Lung


The question presents itself: why do we need to breathe? We are well aware that breathing comes easily to each of us, both awake and asleep! Of course, there is a sudden alarm when we can’t breathe, as our life depends on it. Why is that?

Our body is a highly complicated machine that requires a considerable amount of energy to maintain and repair itself. We need energy to conduct daily activities such as walking, talking, thinking, climbing, sitting, and breathing. Where does this energy come from?

fig 6

The Impressive Pancreas

Routine conversations among individuals often include health issues such as weight loss, smoking, alcohol, and blood pressure to name a few. Seldom do we discuss the function or importance of the human pancreas. Most individuals are familiar with organs such as heart, lung, kidneys, brain, etc., but the pancreas is a mystery to many. Disorders of the pancreas can give rise to well-known conditions such as diabetes mellitus, malnutrition, severe inflammation of the abdomen, and life-threatening malignancies. For example, failure of the pancreas to secrete sufficient insulin into the blood stream causes diabetes mellitus.

Islets of Langerhans in the pancreas

The Amazing Parathyroid Gland: Small but Mighty!

Most individuals are familiar with the major organs of the human body such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. However, fewer people are knowledgeable about the smaller organs such as the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the lymph nodes, or the parathyroid glands, even though their functions are still vital for life. This article examines the tiny parathyroid glands and their physiologic role and importance to our bodies.

Neck anatomy

Leprosy — Past and Present

Infectious diseases that affect our world are frequent topics of both discussion and study, especially in view of our current COVID-19 crisis and its associated mortality. In spite of modern medicine and antibiotic breakthroughs, many illnesses and fatalities are unfortunately caused by commonplace infections such as pneumonia, influenza, hepatitis, dysentery, and osteomyelitis to name a few. Infections have been part of our human struggle from age to age. It is interesting that very few specific types of infections are mentioned in the Bible.