The Amazing Parathyroid Gland: Small but Mighty!

Most individuals are familiar with the major organs of the human body such as the heart, lungs, liver, and kidneys. However, fewer people are knowledgeable about the smaller organs such as the pituitary gland, the adrenal glands, the lymph nodes, or the parathyroid glands, even though their functions are still vital for life. This article examines the tiny parathyroid glands and their physiologic role and importance to our bodies.

Neck anatomy

Insects: Musings on the Monarch, It’s Migration, and Butterfly Metamorphosis

Insects are amazing! The monarch butterfly, Danaus plexippus L., is featured in this article; however, there are thousands of other species with intriguing lifestyles. The European honey bee, Apis Mellifera L., for example lives in colonies with up to 60,000 nest mates— nearly all are sisters of one mother (the queen). After a young bee completes her duties as a “nurse” bee in caring for the immature “brood,” she takes flight in search of nectar-rich flowers as far as three miles from the hive. Upon her return, the location (flight path) and richness of her find is “communicated” to other foraging bees by way of a unique dance on the surface of the honeycomb.

Butterfly development cycle


Purity is the condition or quality of being pure; freedom from anything that contaminates, pollutes, etc., freedom from any admixture or modifying addition; cleanness; freedom from guilt or evil; innocence. Purity is completely, one hundred percent essence without any contamination.

God is the only pure, uncontaminated being. He can never be defiled in any way because He cannot change. He is pure in His being and cannot in any way be affected by any kind of source that would change His purity. He is complete and perfect and is pure God, no additives or fillers. Maybe purity is better understood as the absence of anything foreign to what He is.

Plasma Astronomy: A Different View

Plasma astronomy has been of interest to some who are interested in the origin of the universe and in how galaxies, stars, and planets formed. Opinions vary on the validity and relevance of plasma astronomy. Astronomers and electrical engineers, in particular, seem to have different views on its validity. In this article we shall look into plasma astronomy and some evidence related to it.

Galactic rotation curves